A vehicle’s air conditioning system just cools your car, right? While that is true, it also filters the air it recirculates and to do that it can also become a base for some interesting smells to put it bluntly.
Ever noticed a damp and musty smell coming from your car’s vents? There are a host of nasties breeding away in there and it may be worthwhile to treat them.
The next time you are getting your car air conditioning serviced, ask about our special on additional Deodorising Treatment. This will remove any odours and actively kill the mould, mildew, germs and common viruses that can be found in your vehicle.
Especially in these times, it is worth the extra to make sure that your system is clean, virus and smell free for you and your family.
Ask us about a deodorising treatment with your next air conditioning service, you can always rely on the trusted professionals at Autospark.