Car Air Conditioning
(Repair & Regas)
In Australia, air conditioning is a must-have, but the value and quality you get from your car's air con does degrade over time. Your system becomes less efficient becaue of things like insufficient use, worn out seals and minor leaks, in addition the gas it uses does lose its ability to actually cool your car effectively.
To keep it in tip top shape, it pays to be aware of its eventiual failings and act pre-emptively to keep it running well. To maintain your system at peak efficiency it is recommended that you have your air conditioning serviced annually.
Autospark, your trusted professionals, provides a regas service that involves evacuating the gas from the system, testing for leaks, then re-filling and re-pressurising the system so it is peak condition to keep you cool on our hotter days in Perth.

If you feel your car’s air conditioning is not performing effectively or you have not had it serviced in the last 12 or so months, call us today for an air con regas quote and service, we’d be happy to take a look and advise you.
If you have had your air conditioner re-gased and it has leaked the gas again we may need to carry out some system testing to locate where the system has lost its gas. We may be able to locate the leak from dye that has been added into the system using our specialized equipment, Some vehicles may require a pressure test to be able to locate the leak, and in even more difficult case we can use tracer gas to pin point the problem.
Air conditioning problems are not always due to a gas problem, there are many different electrical sensors and actuators to make a modern air conditioning system work. Autospark workshops are equipped to be able to test these many sensors and actuators that make the air conditioning operate in a modern vehicle.
Our workshops are finding more often that failing air conditioning system is related to electrical issues
Airconditioning Servicing consists of checking the system pressures and the performance of the system.
We carry out a visual inspection of piping and hoses, condenser, drive belt also fan speed operation and flow of air from the vents.
Most vehicles from the 2000s are fitted with cabin filters, these filters can affect the efficiency of the system due to restricting the amount of air that can come out of the vents. IF they are dirty they should be replaced.
Along with the cabin filter there is also a filter for the gas, This filter should be changed if the system is opened for repairs or every so many years, If this filter is blocked or has absorbed as much moister as it can it can cause a restriction in the system causing the system to under perform or prematurely fail causing even more expense later.
Once these items have been inspected or changed if required a system can then be regased.
Nothing lasts forever, this is true with the gas your car’s air con needs to be cool.
It does need to be reapplied or recharged to work well. With all vehicles, a small amount of refrigerant can permeate through rubber hoses and seals, over time this can cause the system to not perform as well as it used to and adding extra pressure to components possibly making them fail earlier than expected. With all A/C system Regases the refrigerant is removed and a vacuum is applied to the system to check for major leaks.
If the system passes, our trained technicians are then able to fill with refrigerant gas and carry out system testing to once again cool properly.
For all things Air Conditioning, Autospark are your trusted professionals.
Autospark Branches’ experienced technicians are able to carry out repairs to your air conditioning system, We have access to many different quality brands and products to get your Air Conditioning system back up and running to operate at its full potential and you cool on those days when you need it most.
Odd or bad smells coming from your Air Conditioning system can come from multiple problems including a dirty cabin filter, cabin filter that has been removed and the evaporator is dirty from that missing cabin filter. To rectify this issue, we can change the cabin filter and also apply a evaporator cleaning spray to eliminate the bad bacteria growing on the evaporator and creating that musty smell. Worst case scenatio, the smell could be coming from a leaking evaporator causing bad smells from dye and oil. Either way, we can find it and fix it for you.
- Air Conditioning System Regas
- Air Conditioning System Testing
- Air Conditioning Servicing
- Air Conditioning Repairs
- Recharging Aircon Systems
- Treatment for Filter Bacteria